Il Girasole di Travacò By Serena Ragni
Who We Are
Il Girasole di Travacò By Serena Ragni
Il Girasole di Travacò was born in times of crisis with the aim of transforming bankruptcy activity and make it a resource for people and for the territory. The shop is run by a group of women over time, they have always had the courage to go ahead and have spokespersons for their families, customers and suppliers who have never stopped believing in their project. In the shop there are both products "supermarket" that the typical products (cheese, honey)
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Who We Are
Il Girasole di Travacò By Serena Ragni
Il Girasole di Travacò was born in times of crisis with the aim of transforming bankruptcy activity and make it a resource for people and for the territory. The shop is run by a group of women over time, they have always had the courage to go ahead and have spokespersons for their families, customers and suppliers who have never stopped believing in their project. In the shop there are both products "supermarket" that the typical products (cheese, honey)
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All'Autunno Pavese le nostre proposte sono state "divorate". Non disperate, a Travacò ce ne è in abbondanza e non resterete senza.
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