the Municipality
Sannazzaro dè Burgondi
is about 25 Km from Pavia

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The History
Sancti Nazari is the name recorded around 1000, suggesting that it was originally a monastic settlement. The powerful Sannazzaro family originated from here and they might have been under the high signory of the Counts Palatine of Lomello. Their power was exerted mostly in the Oltrepò Pavese and in the Monferrato. However, some branches of the family remained in the place of origin. The town’s name Burgondi, which corresponds to the modern surname Bergonzi, could have derived from a branch of the same Sannazzaro family (Burgondo, i.e. Bergonzo, was the name of one of the four progenitors from the 12th century). Places of interest • Permanent exhibition “Power and the Techniques of Refining” • The Garden of Delights (hamlet of Mezzano) • City Library
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Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Esposizione Permanente dell’Energia e delle Tecniche di Raffinazione
  • • Il Giardino delle Delizie (fraz. Mezzano)
  • • Biblioteca civica
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The History
Sancti Nazari is the name recorded around 1000, suggesting that it was originally a monastic settlement. The powerful Sannazzaro family originated from here and they might have been under the high signory of the Counts Palatine of Lomello. Their power was exerted mostly in the Oltrepò Pavese and in the Monferrato. However, some branches of the family remained in the place of origin. The town’s name Burgondi, which corresponds to the modern surname Bergonzi, could have derived from a branch of the same Sannazzaro family (Burgondo, i.e. Bergonzo, was the name of one of the four progenitors from the 12th century). Places of interest • Permanent exhibition “Power and the Techniques of Refining” • The Garden of Delights (hamlet of Mezzano) • City Library
settemmbre sannazzarese
Torna la tradizionale Sagra della terza domenica di settembre, quest’anno in particolare si dilata sino a trasformarsi in una e vera propria rassegna di arte, sport e spettacoli. Quest’anno, in particolare, gli appuntamenti di settembre sono di qualità e numericamente folti grazie al lavoro sinergico tra Comune, Pro Loco, Biblioteca Civica e le altre associazioni locali
A: Sannazzaro de' Burgondi
Dal 08/09/2018 15:00 Al 07/10/2018 23:59
Settembre Sannazzarese
Continua fino ad Ottobre il Settembre Sannazzarese Torna con gli appuntamenti della tradizionale sagra paesana.
A: Sannazzaro dè Burgondi
Dal 07/09/2017 18:00 Al 09/10/2017 23:59
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