the Municipality
Bressana Bottarone
Is about 19 Km from Pavia

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The History
In the 18th century, Bressana was mentioned in the chronicles of the municipality of Pavia and in the acts of the curia of Turin as a farmhouse, property of the relatives of the numerous Berti family. It developed after the construction of the brickworks and the Stradella – Pavia railway line. Places of interest • Garzaia of the Roggia Torbida (“garzaia” - herons nesting site)

Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Garzaia della Roggia Torbida
We are on the routes
The History
In the 18th century, Bressana was mentioned in the chronicles of the municipality of Pavia and in the acts of the curia of Turin as a farmhouse, property of the relatives of the numerous Berti family. It developed after the construction of the brickworks and the Stradella – Pavia railway line. Places of interest • Garzaia of the Roggia Torbida (“garzaia” - herons nesting site)