Ecomuseum Landscape Lomellino
Who We Are
Ecomuseum Landscape Lomellino
Castles, abbeys, cathedrals, palaces. And then heronries, fountains, humps, ancient streets of the Roman era. With a common denominator: the rice. All of this is the Eco-museum of the landscape Lomellina, articulated project to protect, improve and promote the Lomellina territory from the age-old cultural heritage that can rightly be called the "Lombard Mesopotamia" because strait between the rivers Po in the south, west and Sesia Ticino in the east, in the western part of the province of Pavia. It is a museum spread, consisting of natural emergencies and the manifestations of material and immaterial culture. The Eco-Museum is the museum of time and space: it is a museum of time, where the knowledge is spread and spread through the past lived by the community to come into the present, with an opening in the future; is a museum space, that significant extensions where to stop, walk and admire the environment.
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    Who We Are
    Ecomuseum Landscape Lomellino
    Castles, abbeys, cathedrals, palaces. And then heronries, fountains, humps, ancient streets of the Roman era. With a common denominator: the rice. All of this is the Eco-museum of the landscape Lomellina, articulated project to protect, improve and promote the Lomellina territory from the age-old cultural heritage that can rightly be called the "Lombard Mesopotamia" because strait between the rivers Po in the south, west and Sesia Ticino in the east, in the western part of the province of Pavia. It is a museum spread, consisting of natural emergencies and the manifestations of material and immaterial culture. The Eco-Museum is the museum of time and space: it is a museum of time, where the knowledge is spread and spread through the past lived by the community to come into the present, with an opening in the future; is a museum space, that significant extensions where to stop, walk and admire the environment.
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