Santa Giuletta
the Municipality
Santa Giuletta
Is about 26 Km from Pavia

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The History
Santa Giuletta was formed around the medieval Church oF Santa Giuletta, out of two distinct settlements called il Castello and la Villa. When the two settlements sprang up is still unknown, but the church is situated halfway, in between the two. We do know however that the castle was mentioned in 1164, when Frederick I Barbarossa placed Santa Giuletta under the jurisdiction of Pavia. In the 50s and the 60s of the 20th century there was a significant industrial production of dolls in Santa Giuletta, which became famous as a “dolls’ village” or as the “Italian Nuremberg”, according to a magazine article from that time. Places of interest - Dolls Museum / Museo della Bambola

Luoghi da Visitare
  • Castello
  • Museo della bambola
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The History
Santa Giuletta was formed around the medieval Church oF Santa Giuletta, out of two distinct settlements called il Castello and la Villa. When the two settlements sprang up is still unknown, but the church is situated halfway, in between the two. We do know however that the castle was mentioned in 1164, when Frederick I Barbarossa placed Santa Giuletta under the jurisdiction of Pavia. In the 50s and the 60s of the 20th century there was a significant industrial production of dolls in Santa Giuletta, which became famous as a “dolls’ village” or as the “Italian Nuremberg”, according to a magazine article from that time. Places of interest - Dolls Museum / Museo della Bambola