Procaccini Castle
Who We Are
Procaccini Castle
The most ancient part of the castleoriginated as a fortress on a hill, is the great tower, from which you controlled a long section of Po (Cuneulus super Padum). From 1700 to 1730 it was enlarged and transformed from a medieval fortress into a real eighteenth-century Royal Palace. The work was carried out by the will and funding of the owner at the time, Cardinal Agostino Cusani Visconti (1655 - 1715)that was Ambassador of the Republic of Venice and the Pope at the Court of Louis XIV in Paris, as well as Bishop of Pavia. After this magnificent work, the Castle of Chignolo was called and known throughout the world as the "Versailles of Lombardy."
  • from April to October (except August)
    Sundays and holidays: from 15.00 to 18.00 (last tour)
    Weekdays for groups of 12 persons (by reservation)
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Paviacard Discount
€ 1 discount on entrance tickets
Full ticket: € 7.00 - adults
Reduced ticket: € 6.00 - groups, students and children 6 to 12 years

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Who We Are
Procaccini Castle
The most ancient part of the castleoriginated as a fortress on a hill, is the great tower, from which you controlled a long section of Po (Cuneulus super Padum). From 1700 to 1730 it was enlarged and transformed from a medieval fortress into a real eighteenth-century Royal Palace. The work was carried out by the will and funding of the owner at the time, Cardinal Agostino Cusani Visconti (1655 - 1715)that was Ambassador of the Republic of Venice and the Pope at the Court of Louis XIV in Paris, as well as Bishop of Pavia. After this magnificent work, the Castle of Chignolo was called and known throughout the world as the "Versailles of Lombardy."
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