Brallo di Pregola
the Municipality
Brallo di Pregola
Is about76 km from Pavia

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The History
The area of the current municipality of Brallo di Pregola is the part of the Apennine peninsula that is generally known as “the four provinces”, being the meeting point of the Ligurian, Lombard, Emilian and Piedmontese dialects and traditions. It is a charming place with a rich history, set against a background of matchless beauty. Places of interest • Church of Sant’Agata • Church of Santissimi Colombano e Marziano Frazione SOMEGLIO • Church of Santi Gervaso e Protasio

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Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Chiesa Sant’Agata
  • • Chiesa SS Colombano e Marziano
  • • FRAZIONE SOMEGLIO Chiesa Santi Gervaso e Protasio
We are on the routes
The History
The area of the current municipality of Brallo di Pregola is the part of the Apennine peninsula that is generally known as “the four provinces”, being the meeting point of the Ligurian, Lombard, Emilian and Piedmontese dialects and traditions. It is a charming place with a rich history, set against a background of matchless beauty. Places of interest • Church of Sant’Agata • Church of Santissimi Colombano e Marziano Frazione SOMEGLIO • Church of Santi Gervaso e Protasio