the Municipality
is about 18 Km from Pavia

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The History
Belgioioso originated in the Late Medieval, or the Early Renaissance Period, when Pavia was ruled by the Visconti family. The birth of the town is closely related to the building of the Castle, famous for its beauty. We can read in the memoirs of Giorgio Giulini, the historian of Milan, that Galeazzo Visconti founded the Castle in the second half of the 14th century and used to call it “Gioioso” (joyful), which later became “Belgioioso”. Places of interest • The Visconti Castle / Castello Visconteo • Church of the Friars and Oratory of San Giacomo della Cerreta • Archaeological collection of the State Middle School A. Negri

Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Castello Visconteo
  • • Chiesa dei Frati e Oratorio di S. Giacomo della Cerreta
  • • Raccolta Archeologica della Scuola Media Statale A. Negri
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The History
Belgioioso originated in the Late Medieval, or the Early Renaissance Period, when Pavia was ruled by the Visconti family. The birth of the town is closely related to the building of the Castle, famous for its beauty. We can read in the memoirs of Giorgio Giulini, the historian of Milan, that Galeazzo Visconti founded the Castle in the second half of the 14th century and used to call it “Gioioso” (joyful), which later became “Belgioioso”. Places of interest • The Visconti Castle / Castello Visconteo • Church of the Friars and Oratory of San Giacomo della Cerreta • Archaeological collection of the State Middle School A. Negri