Discover Pavia and it's territory with paviatourism (Views 5790)

Discover each month a piece of Pavia? with 12 itineraries PaviaTourism in Lomellina, and Oltrepò Pavese Pavese or along the 13th to discover the province as a whole is possible. Itineraries with the medium is most preferred to discover landscapes and unexpected villages and legitimate companies and strongly rooted in the territory.

The project PaviaTourism wants to present to tourists, and not only that, the province of Pavia in its completeness, highlighting all the beauty of each of the three areas, and free up the traveler to choose their destination without any kind parochial conditioning.

For each of the 12 routes, on the site, are the towns and villages crossed and for each one the indications on what to visit. Only an indication, leaving everyone free to deepen the single monument or place to visit according to their wishes and with the tools that best suit him.
Along the routes continues to grow the network of companies that offer refreshment offering traditional dishes, which provide well-deserved rest in the peace of mind in small hotels, B & Bs and farmhouses. And finally companies to find and from which bring home the flavors and scents of the visited territory. In the network of companies that produce (to name a few), the outstanding rice and cereals in Lomellina and Pavese, the excellent goose sausage in Lomellina and the famous salami of Varzi in Oltrepo. And last, but not least, the amazing wines of Oltrepo that have nothing to envy and often are envied.
The reading of the site is easy and immediate. Just click in the itineraries page, icon choice, and you will see the route map, with the same positioned in the perimeter of the province. Already from the map you can access the categories that interest, while, for the less technological, down the page you will find the list of the countries crossed.
With a simple click you immediately reach the page of the chosen town to find out what to visit and read the few lines of history, only reported for a minimum framework in time.
But not only for each route you will find the recurring events in the year, what we considered absolutely should not miss, and for tourists in RV indication the "land port" where to stop.
increase more and more municipalities that publish their events and post in your page and so easily, right from the home page you can take a cue to come in the province of Pavia.
Even the companies of the circuit publish their events and post on your page and immediately the same appear on the Home Page in chronological order to ensure easy reference.
But that's not all: with the app Viaggiapavia developed for devices Android and iOS all the news is brought to the smartphone:
With a touch appear routes with their brief description, the municipalities crossed by the signs of what to visit and network companies. By downloading the app you download the entire database. Each location is geo-located and accurately shows the distance from where you are. You do not need any internet connection, unless you want to send an email (with a click on the icon) or you want to start the Google Maps navigator to be comfortably drive to the goal. Clicking the icon of handset quickly you can reserve your own table or their own room, or know the opening hours.
The internet will also be required if you want to purchase the Paviacard The discount card of the whole province in all companies of the network and in the places of paid cards that have joined the circuit. The discounts range from 5 to 50%.
After the purchase, PaviaCard can be activated on-line and will be available to be presented to merchants directly to your smartphone. With virtual card convenience which a small and attention to the environment.
PaviaCard as well as PaviaTourism , the two brands are regularly registered in the Trait d'Union Society that despite my French, is a company exclusively bunting.
In the name of the goal: union, connection, and, in a word: involvement, to a synergistic increase in tourism and the companies that "make the territory." Utopia? no, concreteness and today these are the numbers of PaviaTourism project :
- 25 public bodies who believed in the project with their sponsorship
- 106 the municipalities crossed by Routes
- 200 places to visit identified
- more than 100,000 the views of the public in a year pages
- more than 80 the companies participating in the circuit
- ca 92,000 the display of the circuit companies pages in a year
- 5 collaborations with magazines and organizations in the tourism sector at the national level
It's enough to come to the province of Pavia and, for the companies still hesitant, join the PaviaTourism circuit by contacting the Sales Department, also accessible from the "BECOMES PARTNER" at the bottom of Page.
And if you want to speak directly with us come visit Autunno Pavese to the Visconti Castle of Pavia September 23 to 25. We are to stand 23-28.




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